The first IC used as a 1 second clock, which generates ON/OFF for the other ICs. Diodes help to cover the IC555 from the peak voltage. Take note that the relay used should have impedance more than 50 ohm.
Parts list :
- Diode D1-D2 : 1N4001
- Zener Diode D2 : 6V
- R1,R5,R7 : 3k3
- R2,R6,R8 : 68k
- Resistor variable VR1 : 47k
- Polar capacitor C1 : 10uF/16V
- Polar capacitor C3,C5 : 2.2 uF/16V
- Capacitor C2,C4,C6 : 0.01 uF
- Transistor T1 : BC107/BC148
- IC timer : NE555
- Relay : 6-9 V
- Power supply 6-9 V
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